I’m Back/ Goals for 2011.

So, I haven’t written. And I know it’s been a prolonged period of time. Maybe some of you have been waiting but most likely, few of you care. Each year, people complete the mundane task of making a list of resolutions for the new year. The saddest part about this task? Most of this list is never completed. However, I feel it is absolutely necessary to have goals (my teacher self coming to surface). So, as many of you could guess, I have decided to make a list of my “resolutions” for 2011. However, this is different from your every day New Year’s Resolutions. This will be entitled My Goals for the Year 2011. I will complete these goals. No exceptions. For every goal I do not complete at the end of the year, I will give a random person on the street $10. This is my motivation.

My Goals for the Year 2011

1. I will lose weight. I have been overweight for my entire life. I am ready to be at the normal weight for my height and age. I want to lose 40 to 50 pounds by the end of the year. I will not accomplish this with surgery or pills but the natural, healthy way. I will change my diet and exercise every day.

2. I will not drink any carbonation, cut down my consumption of processed foods and sugary foods, and consume no fried foods. They’re bad for your body and brain. Not to mention slow you down.

3. I will strengthen my relationship with God. I would say this means to go to church every Sunday. But that’s not the only thing. I need to become closer with Him in my life on every day, not just Sunday.

4. I will stay away from people/ things that are bad for my health, family, and me. I have decided after some time to be abstinent. It is my goal to surround myself with people who have similar beliefs as me. If there is someone who is a negative asset in my life, I’m not going to have them in my life. I do not have the time for that. People need to respect me. It is unrealistic to say that I will not consume alcohol because I enjoy the flavor of alcohol but I will do so sparingly. Finally, I will stay away from language that is offensive. There is no need for it and it makes me sound less educated than I am.

5. I am going to save my money. I am not going out every night and doing things like I did last semester. I will have a spending limit of $45 a month. No more than that. Also, I am not paying for people to do things anymore. I added up the amount of money that I have spent on other people to do things that they still owe me and it’s over $300. That’s ridiculous.

6. I am not going to argue with people… unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary. On the same note, I AM going to tell you what’s up if you upset me. But then, I will be done with it.

7. I’m going to keep cooking and keep getting better at it. I’m actually really good at cooking and trying new things.

8. Facebook once a day during the week. That’s it.

9. I will take care of my body. Outside and inside of it.

10. I will make more time for myself. Once a day: me time. No homework, friends, or family.

11. I will write in my journal more.

About ashleighwebber

I'm a Senior at Ball State University majoring in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. I am nearly fluent in Spanish. I want to be a Preschool or Kindergarten teacher and someday own my own daycare. Needless to say, I love kids. I am simple but also complicated. I love my family, friends, green grass, s'mores, sunsets, the beach, fireflies, fall, the color purple, practically all music, and the movie Grease. Get to know me through my blog. :)
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