Mind Boggling… Day 3.

When I first came to Ball State, I was lost. I had no idea where anything was. Nor who anybody was, including myself. And now, three years later, I’d like to say that I am an expert on the campus, and getting more familiar with getting to know who I am. What kills me is when this ignorant person said to me the other day: “you’re still a student. So that means you’re still a child.” Where on earth did he get this notion from? Isn’t being an adult about taking responsibility and doing what you can to better your future? That’s technically what I’m doing by being a student.

So, why did I write this? To explain my new makeover part, of course.

Goal: I will take responsibility for my actions and what it is I need to do. No longer will I miss out on educational opportunities to make others happy.

Why this is important: I won’t have any regrets or bitterness towards anyone. And I’ll be more prepared.

I find it astounding that by being a student, that makes me a “child”. He has a lot to learn. And obviously a lot of growing up to do.

About ashleighwebber

I'm a Senior at Ball State University majoring in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. I am nearly fluent in Spanish. I want to be a Preschool or Kindergarten teacher and someday own my own daycare. Needless to say, I love kids. I am simple but also complicated. I love my family, friends, green grass, s'mores, sunsets, the beach, fireflies, fall, the color purple, practically all music, and the movie Grease. Get to know me through my blog. :)
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