What I need. Hell, what I want.

I know. I know. That I am supposed to be taking this entire semester to think about me. But, seriously, what does everyone think I am doing? I’ve come to the realization that no one reads this. And I’m actually ok with that. I can now write on this about anything, anyone, everything. Like, if I want to talk about how much I am hurting because of someone or how much I love cheese. I can do it. I have been sitting around waiting. And waiting. And waiting. And good God. It is SO exhausting. I am ready to meet my soul mate. Bring it on, world. If you don’t think I am ready Lord, please explain why because I’m starting to lose hope in ever finding him. I know I’m only 21. And 21 year olds still have a very long way to go. But please, give me some direction. Another thought: things are so different than how I thought they would be. My best friend is leaving for Alaska in 2 months. And everyday, I hurt thinking about it. I literally ache and almost come to tears and then brush it off and become numb. I am so proud of him. So proud. But I know that I am going to miss him more than I can even fathom. I try to talk to him but I find myself shutting myself off from him because I want him to be happy. And I know I’m being selfish. Alex, if you read this, please know that Alaska will be the best experience for you and I will never ever stop you from fulfilling your dreams.

No more thinking. Just doing. Be ready. Here comes the new and (i hope) improved Ashleigh. Watch out.

About ashleighwebber

I'm a Senior at Ball State University majoring in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. I am nearly fluent in Spanish. I want to be a Preschool or Kindergarten teacher and someday own my own daycare. Needless to say, I love kids. I am simple but also complicated. I love my family, friends, green grass, s'mores, sunsets, the beach, fireflies, fall, the color purple, practically all music, and the movie Grease. Get to know me through my blog. :)
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